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Philip Bradbury
4 min read
The Valentine Risk
I know you’re supposed to just, like, send Valentines to the one you’re married to. Pretend you’ve got the secret hots for them and all...

Philip Bradbury
6 min read
Tin Leg and Greek Rain
Got me bung leg in the war, see. Well, actually, got me leg a bit earlier, back when I’s born. Got them both way back then, along with...

Philip Bradbury
3 min read
Your Life Purpose Is Your Last Kind Choice
One red morning I stepped on a mystery and it beseeched me take another step and find its answer. Finding and Seeking are different...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
Where do ideas for books come from? From Life ...
Having had 20 books published and an equal number in process, people ask where I get my ideas from. These questions spurned the idea to...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
Wipe The Sky Clean Of My Tears
I wiped my tears from the sky today. Well, I would have if I’d known how to cry. But I could cry. I cried when I met the boy and his...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
The Great Sculptor Celebrates Your Losses
The Great Sculptor sees the beauty within the stone, the gorgeous shape he is undressing with his chip, chip, chipping. We see a craggy,...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
A Letter To You
Dear Friend, You may have forgotten that you have forgotten me; that I exist. That forgetfulness, my friend, is born of FEAR – Feverish...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
Getting Confidence and Health Back
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most confident prince in the land? When I started writing books, all those years ago, I was so full...

Philip Bradbury
4 min read
From Oneness to Duality and Back
If we can imagine it, it already exists. If we can speak of it, it already exists. A Course in Miracles tells us that when we are at the...

Philip Bradbury
1 min read
I'm Never Letting Go of Love
The universe has a wicked sense of humour and I don't always laugh. I had determined to be an aspect of Love and to find Peace and Love...

Philip Bradbury
1 min read
The Crimeless Crime
Just fingerprints on the handrail of my memories The world I knew has lost its smell, it’s shape Uneasy silences, conspiracies have...

Philip Bradbury
2 min read
2021 - Fearful Or Fun?
T’was the year they called The One Of Twenty One For many folks it wasn’t much fun While the rest of us stood by, bemused, peaceful and...

Philip Bradbury
9 min read
Choices From The Dead
Choice is a word they use for good things, here – choice day, choice person, choice book … but the word haunts my every dream and...
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